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Data visualisation: Tips to improve interpretability and accessibility by Dr Tracey Weissgerber

Zoom , United Kingdom

To register, follow this link. About the speaker Tracey Weissgerber is a meta-researcher at the BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research (Berlin Institute of Health at Charité). Her research focuses on improving data visualization, statistical reporting, open methods, and other factors that affect transparency and reproducibility. Her teams’ work on bar graphs of continuous dataContinue reading "Data visualisation: Tips to improve interpretability and accessibility by Dr Tracey Weissgerber"

Making my science better (or, simply; more open) by Dr Sjoerd Bruijn

MS Teams

To join the event, follow this link. About the speaker To learn more about Dr Bruijn, visit his profile here. About the talk What does it mean in practice to make your research open, transparent, and reproducible? Dr Sjoerd Bruijn will explore this by discussing his personal journey into open science. In this talk, heContinue reading "Making my science better (or, simply; more open) by Dr Sjoerd Bruijn"