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Psychology in a crisis by Dr Stuart Ritchie

MS Teams About the speaker Dr Ritchie is a psychologist with research interests in a variety of areas, including intelligence, individual differences in cognitive abilities, behavioural genetics, and more recently in the replication crisis. In 2014, he completed his PhD at the university of Edinburgh, staying on to become a postdoctoral research fellow investigating difference inContinue reading "Psychology in a crisis by Dr Stuart Ritchie"

The AccessLab by Dr Lotty Brand

MS Teams

About the speaker Dr Brand is currently Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Sheffield with Prof. Tom Stafford investigating the use of argument maps and automated dialogue for fostering open-mindedness and de-polarisation. Lotty was previously Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. Alex Mesoudi at the University of Exeter’s Cornwall Campus as part of the HumanContinue reading "The AccessLab by Dr Lotty Brand"

Opportunities and challenges of open science for qualitative methods by Dr Peter Branney

MS Teams About the speaker To learn more about Dr Branney, visit his website. About the talk Despite (perhaps in-part because of) the mocking of expertise in recent elections and the replication crisis in social psychology, the 17th century Scientific Revolution is re-emerging; albeit reconfigured as the Open Science movement in calls for open collaboration andContinue reading "Opportunities and challenges of open science for qualitative methods by Dr Peter Branney"

Data visualisation in R by Dr Niklas Johannes

Zoom , United Kingdom About the speaker I’m a Postdoc in the Adolescent Well-Being in the Digital Age program at the Oxford Internet Institute. Under the supervision of Andrew Przybylski, I study the effects of technology use on well-being and performance. My PhD had a similar topic: Here, I investigated the effects of constant connectedness on performance andContinue reading "Data visualisation in R by Dr Niklas Johannes"

Working with large, open-source neuroimaging datasets by Corey Horien

MS Teams About the speaker Corey Horien is an MD-PhD student in Todd Constable’s lab at Yale School of Medicine. His research focuses on individual differences in fMRI data in the developing brain in health and disease. He recently wrote “A hitchhiker’s guide to working with large, open-source neuroimaging datasets”. Twitter: @coreyhorien About the talk LargeContinue reading "Working with large, open-source neuroimaging datasets by Corey Horien"

The racial origins of the p-value by Theresa Wege

MS Teams About the speaker Theresa Elise Wege is a PhD student and PGTA for statistics at the Centre for Mathematical Cognition, Loughborough University. While her research is focused on preschool maths, she thinks about statistics pedagogy and introducing students to the philosophy of science as part of her teaching role. About the talk Where doContinue reading "The racial origins of the p-value by Theresa Wege"

Hans Eysenck: personality and fatal diseases; exposing a scientific scandal by Dr Anthony Pelosi

MS Teams About the speaker Dr Anthony Pelosi is a consultant psychiatrist at Priory Hospital Glasgow. Since the early ‘90s, Pelosi has published extensive critiques of the work of Hans Eysenck, In February 2019, Pelosi published a paper in the Journal of Health Psychology, in which he stated that the Eysenck case is “one of the worst scientificContinue reading "Hans Eysenck: personality and fatal diseases; exposing a scientific scandal by Dr Anthony Pelosi"

Using Superpower R package to simulate power by Dr Aaron R. Caldwell

MS Teams About the speaker Aaron is an exercise physiologist with a PhD in Health, Sport, and Exercise Science from the University of Arkansas. He is currently as ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow at the United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine where his current research projects are focused on human performance in extreme environments (heat, cold,Continue reading "Using Superpower R package to simulate power by Dr Aaron R. Caldwell"